Miale and Caleb | Wedding Day at The Farmhouse in Montgomery, Tx

Miale and Caleb Rabun //

Wedding Day at The Farmhouse in Montgomery, Tx

Why do you want to capture your wedding on video?

 To be able to remember our day more clearly and to show our exciting day to our kids and hopefully our grandkids one day in the future!

Why did you pick Me?

We loved that you reached out to talk to us before ever agreeing to do our video. It was nice to have someone who wanted to know who we were as people before agreeing to capture a day that is so special to us.

You guys.. What do you do? How do you spend your time together? What is important in life to you?

Miale is a recreation therapist and caeb is a pest control technician, both of our jobs mean we love being around others and out in the community. We spend most of our time photographing our two dogs out and about in Austin or trying new things around the house like building and home improvement! Per our different love languages spending time together and encouraging one another is what is most important to us. We find that through travel and long weekends we feel most at ease and happy, just being together experiencing all of life's new adventures as they come to us.

The proposal... Tell me everything (all the details)

We got engaged on a trip with friends to Puerto Vallarta, Nayarit, Mexico. Miale was doing some family photos on the beach for the group we were with and Caleb insisted on getting a picture of us two together and popped the question. It was right at sunset and we had an amazing dinner and celebration afterwards with our friends that we call family.

The Venue/s? Why this place over everywhere else?

The Farmhouse just felt right from the moment we walked in. We toured a few beautiful places and could just never get over how relaxing and open the Farmhouse felt and the feeling it gave us. In some way it felt like it was just meant to be for us to have our wedding there. Any place would have worked because its about who you're with, not where you're at, but we are so lucky to have a place that we love.

What experience do you want to give your guests?

We want all of our guests to feel as if they are our family and to be just as excited as we are. Everyone invited to our wedding has played some role in our lives both together and separate and helped us grow into the people we are today and we want to show how thankful we are not only that they helped us grow into better people for each other but as people in general. We want it to be a celebration of life and not only the love we share for each other but for our family and friends as well.


Venue: The Farmhouse

Photography: Brooke Taelor

Jake Austin Films